Thursday, September 17, 2009

Benny By The Bay

Benny has reached the big 3 - 0. No, not years, pounds. Maybe he'll start to fill out soon. Everything about him is long. His body reminds me of one of those extra long buses that have sort of an accordion pleat in the middle so they can turn. He continues to be a very cute but not a very typical looking Irish Terrier.

To celebrate my recent birthday (which in dog years would be an unfathomable number), Benny, Kathleen (human daughter), and I set off to introduce Benny to Pt. Isabel. I think it's the largest dog park in California. What makes Pt. Isabel so unique is that it sits right on San Francisco Bay so the views of SF and the bay are incredible. There is an inlet right through the middle of the park where dogs who wish can swim and play in the water. Benny was fascinated by the water, but in true Irish tradition, he would have none of it. Mud was fine but water - no way!

On any day there may be hundreds of dogs at Pt. Isabel. Benny was a bit overwhelmed at first but quickly decided that this place was o.k. He would run off, turn around to look for us, and then do his best to find us. Except for one rather amorous Schnauzer who wouldn't leave Benny alone, the boy had a great time.